Friday, February 4, 2011

The TRUTH about TBP Success!

by Stephen Scott  - Founder Team Building Project

When people first join the Team Building Project they are very excited about the concept of pre-building their downline, and being part of a global team of people working together to achieve long-term financial success.

Once the excitement of all the great possibilities of building a network marketing business of your own wears off, then it is time to really get educated about what success in this business really means, and really takes. It takes a driving desire and an education and while it is simple, it is not as easy as most new people trying to recruit you make it sound.

The time you invest in the Team Building Project will pay off for you in the future. It is not something that will pay you like a paycheck will. In other words, we cannot take a look back after the first month in business and make a decision right then based on how much we have spent in time and money, and how much we have earned in profit. Right now it seems like it is just effort going out and no money coming in.

How many months does it take to sell a house after listing it? How long does it take a book writer to get published and get their books on the shelf after it is written? Success in a network marketing career means moving beyond the employee mindset of expecting a paycheck at the end of the week based on hours contributed. That is not how it works.

Take wine for example. We take it for granted that we can walk into any store and buy a bottle of wine from all parts of the world, but it did not grow on the store shelf. Someone took the time to learn about growing grapes, preparing the soil and picking the right varieties for the local climate, then tending to the plants for three to seven years before they ever had a single grape. In addition, they had to learn to bottle and age it. Becoming a successful wine maker is a process and takes time!

Successful network marketing or multi-level marketing is similar to growing grapes. People need to take some time to understand they are investing in their future. They need to nurture not only themselves, but also others. Much like a grape-vine growing needs to be pruned and trellised , someone looking to build a network marketing business need to learn, tend to and cultivate their MLM business daily for a reward in the future.

You see, the winners in this world of network marketing are the people who have committed themselves to learning the ins and outs of building a profitable business. The same can be said about any business, hobby or craft as well. It should not come as a surprise that to get good at any business takes a dedicated effort to learn and apply what you have learned. It is not and has never been a get rich quick scheme. It is slow and steady.

People who succeed have fallen in love with the process and the effort it takes to build their business as much as the dream of being their own boss and having the freedom of time and money that growing a successful MLM business provides. It takes many hours of effort to reap many hours of freedom and it is foolish to believe otherwise. When you plant a tree you don't expect to pick fruit in a month or two, do you?

If you are just starting out in the Team Building Project and have just planted some seeds by talking to some friends and family about the exciting opportunity that you are part of and think that once they sign up your money troubles are over, think again. Just like plants, people need to be nourished too. Some will take in the mental food you feed them and some will not and will need to be pruned. Pruning is just as important to the health of your business as growing it is, in fact, it is part of growing a successful MLM business. It keeps the rest of your business healthy.

So what makes some people motivated to do what it takes to build a thriving business? Think about it. Why did you join the TBP? Most likely, it just made sense, especially when compared to the opportunities you have tried in the past. It was the dream you had that made you imagine you could do it too. But as the reality of all the effort it will take sinks in, the doubts begin to overshadow the dream to the point of the death. That is one of the reasons that having a strong dream or reason Why is so important to succeeding in an MLM business. If your Why is big enough and strong enough the How will work itself out.

Knowing your reason for building a business is only a part of the puzzle though. Realizing that to succeed you need to commit to growing yourself first and then others in your organization on a daily basis, is another part that needs to be put in to practice. That is why falling in love with the process of building relationships first, building yourself second and finally building your business, is a critical reason why some succeed and some fail.

You possess everything inside of you already that you need to be successful. Discover the deep seated reasons why you need to achieve financial success, commit to learning what successful business builders do and commit to taking action.

The rewards are indescribable and liberating and include not stressing over money, lack of stress in general and rich relationships with positive, goal-oriented people.

Let's Keep Winning! 

Stephen Scott
The Team Building Project


To learn more about The Team Building Project go to

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